
01012381Chemicals for Plant Disease Management

History, formulations, chemicals used in plant disease control, classification, chemical properties and mode of actions, metabolic activity of plant pathogens, chemical resistance and prevention, registration of chemicals used to control plant disease.

01012399General Practicum in Agriculture

General practicum in basic agricultural work.

01012431Chemical Analysis in Agriculture

Principle of chromatography, electrochemistry, atomic and molecular spectroscopy, radiochemistry, and application of qualitative and quantitative analysis on chemical agricultural analysis.

01012471Sustainable Plant Protection

Principle of integrated crop protection practices for increasing crop productivity in a sustainable manner, method and techniques for pesticide reduction, natural resources and environmental preservation, biodiversity management combined with agricultural ecosystem management and pest control by physical, chemical and biological method

01012481Chemicals Used in Soil Science

Types and properties of chemicals, rock, and mineral used for improvement of chemical, physical and biological properties of soils for plant growth, solute transportation and related law.

01012482Agricultural Chemical and Environmental Impacts

Chemical used in agriculture, impact on soil, water, air, human, animals and plants, environmental impact assessment. Field trip required

01012483Agricultural Chemical: Herbicides

Herbicide classification, chemical, common trade name, methods of herbicides application, biochemical mechanisms in plant and soil, effect of herbicides on soil and environment.

01012484Agricultural Chemistry for Horticultural Production

Overview of chemicals for horticultural uses, application of chemicals for horticultural production, propagation, plant conservation and improvement, use of plant growth regulators, postharvest management of produces, organic fertilizer production, seed storage and seed management, efficient, correct and safe practices on chemical uses in horticultural production.

01012490Cooperative Education

On the job training as a temporary employee in order to get experiences from the assignment.

01012491Basic Research Methods in Agricultural Chemistry

Principles and research methods in agricultural chemistry, identification of research problem, formulation of research objectives and hypotheses, collection of data, construct of questionnaire, data analysis and interpretation, application of statistics for research, report writing and presentation.

01012496Selected Topics in Agricultural Chemistry

Selected topics in agricultural chemistry at the bachelor’s degree level, topics are subject to change each semester.


Presentation and discussions on current interesting topics in agricultural chemistry at the bachelor’s degree level. 

01012498Special Problems

Study and research in agricultural chemistry at the bachelor’s degree level and compile into a written report

01012499Specific Practicum in Agricultural Chemistry

Specific practicum in agricultural chemistry

01001211Paradigm in Agricultural Extension

Importance of agricultural sector, paradigm shift of agricultural extension, information sources and accessibility, thinking system, knowledge management. Value adding of agricultural product and service. Strategy and technique for building participation. Change management, sufficiency economy, sustainable development and success indicator

01002111Animal Science and Technology

Importance of animal production, relationship to other agricultural production sectors, science and technology in animal production, farm management and the environment, primary products and animal products, livestock marketing, future trend of animal production.

01003111Principles of Field Crop Science

Significance of crop science, agricultural ecosystem, plant classification, crop production physiology, plant breeding, soil science, cultural practices and cropping system, seed science and field crop production.